HYAA Sportsmanship Statement




HYAA would like to remind all coaches, parents, and players about the importance of SPORTSMANSHIP in all of our activities. It is an attitude reflected in our actions on and off the playing field.

Good SPORTSMANSHIP includes understanding the rules of the contest, playing by those rules, and showing respect for both teammates and opponents.

Self-control must be maintained at all times. We must always show a positive attitude when cheering and coaching.

Winning and losing lasts only a moment, integrity and dignity are characteristics of a lifetime. These characteristics can be learned from the examples of our role models. In HYAA, coaches are visible and important role models.

We need to always strive to convey the characteristics of SPORTSMANSHIP to our children and our players. Whether we disagree with an official's call, question the rules of a contest, speak with a league official, or address a parent, we should always show respect. We MUST remain calm and act in a courteous, polite and professional manner.

It is our goal at HYAA to create a positive experience for the participants in our recreational programs AND our volunteers. We can only achieve this goal with everyone's help and cooperation.


Bleacher Guidelines for
Parents and Coaches

Congratulations for recognizing that, from your seat in the bleachers, you can influence the outcome of the game for your young athlete. Adults - especially parents - have a tremendous impact on whether or not a child's experience in sports is positive or negative. These bleacher guidelines are tips to make children's sports a successful experience for all involved and that's something to cheer about.

Be There
It's more fun for your child when you're on the sidelines. It's also a great opportunity to meet your child's friends and other parents.
Encourage, Don't Discourage

Cheer positively. Compliment your child and his teammates. Applaud outstanding effort and good play for both teams. Ask, "Did you have fun and try your best?" rather than "Did you win?"

Let the umpires do their job
The umpires help teach fair play and sportsmanship, but they often make mistakes. Set an example of good sportsmanship by not publicly criticizing their judgment. Many of our umpires are still children. Treat them the way they would want someone to treat your child.
Whose game is this anyway?
Children participate in organized sports for their enjoyment, not yours. Fun and learning should come first. We all want to see our children succeed, but let's keep it in perspective.
Play hard, don't lose hard
Help children turn defeat into victory by working towards improvements. Temper tantrums and poor sportsmanship should not be confused with intensity and competitiveness.
Lighten up
Help relieve the pressure of competition, not increase it.
Let the coaches coach
Respect the coaches and their decisions. Coaches are unpaid volunteers who provide supervised fun for the children. If you would like to offer your support, please feel free to volunteer to help out as an assistant.
Winning is more than points scored
Giving 100% performance is more important than winning at all costs. Teamwork, self-esteem, and sportsmanship are the payoffs of competition.
Responsibility can be fun
Team sports offer a fun way to teach your child responsibility. Have your child at practices and games on time and stress the importance of their commitment to their team.

HYAA Policy On Sportsmanship

HYAA values and expects sportsmanship among its many participants, players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators. Sportsmanship involves fairness, courteous relations and graceful acceptance of results. Sportsmanship is more than a concept. Sportsmanship, or its absence, is reflected in the actions and remarks of participants and spectators. Some fundamentals of good sportsmanship include knowing and understanding the rules of the contest, showing respect for the officials and accepting their decisions, showing respect for both teammates and opponents, maintaining self control at all times and showing a positive attitude in cheering. Because poor sportsmanship tends to gather momentum, undesirable behavior and/or remarks must be caught early. Each individual can make a difference. Winning and losing last only a moment - integrity and dignity are characteristics for a lifetime.

Guidelines / Rules of Conduct For All Leagues

The HYAA Executive Committee has adopted and will stringently enforce a "Zero Tolerance" policy for unsportsmanlike conduct. We strongly advise that you hand out a copy of this policy to your players, parents, and coaches. The umpire's primary job is to enforce the rules of the game. The two head coaches will be ultimately responsible for maintaining order on the field and in the stands. Complaints about umpires, league presidents, and coaches should be directed to the HYAA Executive Committee. The rules prohibit a coach, assistant coach, player, parent, or spectator from:

HYAA Ejection & Suspension Policy