HYAA COVID Guidelines
HYAA will make every effort to ensure that the Covid-19 guidelines are adhered to, but can make no guarantees, nor eliminate the risks
inherent in participation of a sponsored event during this Covid-19 Global pandemic. For the below, event means...practice, workout, game, scrimmage, etc...
Players' and coaches' temperatures will be taken prior to the event. If the player or coach has a temperature greater than or equal to
100.4, the player or coach will not be allowed at the event.
Parents and coaches will be required to fill out a self-certification form prior to coming to the event. If you answer yes to any of the
questions, please do not come to the event and notify your coach.
If a player starts exhibiting signs of illness, they will be isolated from the rest of the players, the parents will be notified, and
they will be sent home or to a health care facility depending on symptoms.
Only players rostered on the team will be allowed at the event.
Events will be scheduled to minimize contact between teams.
Shared equipment will be sanitized prior to the start of the event using sanitizing spray or sanitizing wipes.
Players equipment bags and personal belongings will be spread out, a minimum of 6 feet apart.
Players and coaches will always follow appropriate social distancing guidelines before, during and after the event.
No player to player contact will be permitted before, during or after the event.
No seeds, gum, snacks, or food of any kind will be permitted.
Each player needs to bring their own individual water bottle-clearly identified with player's name.
Coaches and players will wear face covers as per CDC and NJ State guidelines.
No parents/guardians or siblings, unless rostered on the team, will be allowed in the playing area during the event and are strongly
encouraged not to congregate in the vicinity of the event.
We are guests of Holmdel Township Park System and Holmdel Township School District, as such we must follow all posted rules and
guidelines for the facilities we use.
If you or your child is experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed or suspected
of Covid-19 do not come to the event.
Please note that these guidelines are fluid, any changes or updates deemed necessary will be made before the event(s) begin.
DISCLAIMER: Participants, parents, family, and spectators engaging in HYAA activities do so with knowledge of the risk and
potential exposure involved and agree to accept any and all inherent risks for their personal health.
League Information
HYAA T-Ball League (Pre-K and K) $60 Fee includes:
(Early fee $30 Regular fee $60) ●
Up to 6 one-hour Saturday morning practices/scrimmage games (weather dependent) ●
HYAA Softball Jersey
HYAA Clinic League (1st and 2nd Grade)
$135 Fee includes: (Early fee $110
Regular fee $135) ●
Weekly Practices ●
Up to 10 games Saturdays and weekdays (weather dependent) ●
HYAA Softball Jersey
HYAA Minors League
3rd, 4th, 5th Grade) $135 Fee includes:
(Early fee $110 Regular fee $135) ●
Weekly Practices ●
Up to 10 games Saturdays and weekdays (weather dependent) ●
Inter-town league play, playoffs, championship, and league All-Star Game ●
HYAA Softball Jersey ●
HYAA Majors League (6th, 7th and 8th Grade) $135 Fee includes:
(Early fee $110 Regular fee $135) ●
Weekly Practices ●
Up to 10 games not including playoffs Saturdays and weekdays (weather dependent) ●
Inter-town league play and championship ●
HYAA Softball Jersey ●
Click here to log your games
Commissioners |
Anthony Vanario
Bruce Henderson
Kimberly Tuccillo
Danielle Longyear |
League Presidents |
Girls T-Ball |
Jill Sedan |
Girls Clinic |
Danielle Longyear |
Girls Minor |
Jeff McGoey |
Girls Major |
Dina Bivona |
Consistent with other towns in our area, we determine leagues based on birth year. Note that Travel Teams also follow birth year
with their season running from Fall until Summer (teams change in August). |
Registration Starts |
Jan 7 |
Early/Reduced Fee ($30 off) Registration Ends |
Feb 8 |
Registration Closes |
Mar 8 |
Rosters Finalized |
Mar 15 |
Coaches Meeting |
Mar 15 1:00 Satz cafeteria |
Umpire Clinics |
Practices Begin Weather permitting |
Week of Mar 30 |
Rutgers SAFETY Course Reserve a seat |
Mar 24 |
Games Begin |
Week of Apr 18 |
Annual Parade/Fair at Cross Farm |
Apr 18 |
Travel Team Tryouts |
Playoffs Start - Minors |
Mid June |
All Star Games - Minors |
Season Ends |
Injury Report Form
In case of an injury sustained during an HYAA event, please print and complete the Injury
Report Form and return it to the HYAA office. Please complete all relevant parts of the form.
Reporting Field or Equipment Problems
If you see anything you want to report about the condition of the baseball/softball fields, use the
Field Maintenance Feedback form to report the situation directly to the supervisor of field maintenance.
Likewise, if you have any problem or concern about the equipment used for baseball/softball, use the
Equipment Issue Feedback form to report the issue directly to the supervisor of equipment.

Softball Rules-All Grades - Updated for 2017
Code of Conduct
Coaches Handbook - If an HYAA coach would like a copy of the Coaches’ Handbook or the Skill Guidebook, please contact your League President
Resources To Share With Parents
When You Give a Girl a Pair of Cleats
Sports Should Be Child’s Play
Put Me in, Coach: How to Spark Kids’ Love of Sports
Why Parents Should Push Their Kids to Play Team Sports